
Avis Softonic

Table de multiplication ABC Math

ABC Math Multiplication Table is an educational app available on the Android platform. Developed by Marco Polo, this app is designed to help children learn and practice their multiplication tables from 1 to 10.

The app provides a simple and interactive way for children to practice multiplication and division. It offers keyboard support, allowing children to easily input their answers. In case of a wrong answer, the app provides a "Back" button to clear the incorrect response.

One of the notable features of ABC Math Multiplication Table is the ability to set or change the limit for the number of tasks. This allows parents or teachers to customize the learning experience according to the child's needs. The task count can be adjusted by clicking on the counter in the top-right corner of the app.

Overall, ABC Math Multiplication Table is a user-friendly educational app that provides an effective way for children to learn and practice their multiplication tables. With its interactive features and customizable settings, it offers a valuable learning tool for young learners.

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